Anal fissure

 An anal fissure is a crack in the skin of the anal region. It is one of the many conditions that affect human beings in that area. Before we come to the list of the best homeopathic medicines for anal fissures, let us understand a little bit more about anal fissures.At times, it is difficult to diagnose whether the patient has an anal fissure or piles. As I have mentioned earlier, there are other similar conditions that affect the anal area. A careful case taking and examination is necessary in such cases.

What is an Anal Fissure (एनल फिशर क्या होता है)

An anal fissure is just a cut or a crack in the mucous membrane lining the anal canal. It may occur due to hard stools. Anal fissure can be quite painful. One usually feels pain while passing stool. This pain may remain for a long time afterwards. The pain may be burning or stinging in character. There may be discharge of pus or some foul matter too.When one has constipation, one has to strain to pass stool. This can also cause a break or a crack in the mucous membrane. At times, diarrhoea can also cause anal fissures. In females, anal fissures occur commonly after a vaginal delivery.What are the symptoms of Anal Fissure or fissure in ano (एनल फिशर के लक्षण)The symptoms of anal fissure are in many ways similar to piles. In some cases it may be difficult for the patient to understand whether he or she is suffering from anal fissure or piles.

An experienced doctor or a surgeon is the best person to diagnose it properly. The common symptoms of anal fissure are as follows-There is pain in the anal region. This pain worsens while passing stool. In some cases, the pain may be only while passing stools. Some other patients may experience the pain throughout the day. But passing stool is the most difficult part. The aggravation of pain at that time may last for hours afterwards. The pain may be sharp or stinging in character.The other most common or important symptom of an anal fissure is the presence of bleeding while passing stool. The quantity of blood may again vary from one patient to the other. But bleeding is a common symptom of anal fissures. The blood is bright red and not mixed with stool. Blackish stools or blood mixed with stool may be due to some other cause and not anal fissure.One feels a crack or a rhagade or a wound in the anal region. The patient himself differentiates that he has a crack in the skin.Itching or irritation in the anal region is also present.

What causes Anal Fissures (एनल फिशर के कारण)

As I have mentioned earlier, an anal fissure is a crack in the anal canal. It is more in the form of an injury to the anal canal. The common causes of this could be –Constipation is a prominent cause of anal fissures. If you have to strain a lot to pass stool or the stool is quite hard, it can damage the anal canal. A large and dry stool can also result in an anal fissure.Frequent stools can also result in anal fissure. This happens in chronic diarrhoea cases or in some other diseases like ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease.

Damage to the anal canal can also occur during delivery in the case of females. A prolonged labour or difficult labour can sometimes result in an anal fissure.It is also common in infants in the first year of their life. The precise reason for this incidence at this stage of life is poorly understood.Management of Anal Fissures or fissure in ano (एनल फिशर की देख भाल कैसे करें)Preventing constipation is an important thing that one has to take care of so as to allow the fissure to heal. Drinking lots of water and eating enough fruits, vegetables and cereals that are rich in fiber helps.One should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.It is best to avoid junk food. Junk food only provides empty calories and leads to weight gain.Walking regularly can help improve digestion as well as blood circulation.Sitting in a tub full of hot water is also quite helpful as it softens the hard tissues and takes care of hygiene.

How to treat Anal Fissures – Fissure treatment without surgery (एनल फिशर का आपरेशन के बिना इलाज)

A lot of people believe and surgeons also propagate this that surgery is the one and only treatment for anal fissures. The reality is far from this. One can easily treat an anal fissure without surgery. It is only those patients who do not know about this reality that end up on the surgeon’s table for the treatment of an anal fissure.

Anyone who knows better will never do that. This is because a painless and very easy treatment option exists to cure the anal fissures. In my opinion, surgery offers no cure as I have seen many cases where the problem recurs after some time. Therefore it is better that one should treat the problem in a holistic manner so that once cured, it does not recur.Alternative, Complementary or Homeopathic Treatment of anal fissuresThere may be many claims about the possibility of alternative or complementary treatment of anal fissures. Many people suggest Ayurvedic or herbal remedies as a possible cure for the treatment of anal fissures. I have often had patients coming to me after taking such medicines, some with little relief and some being even worse than when they started.A number of people suggest many home remedies as the cure for anal fissures. Some of these work on some of the patients but the results are not consistent. Having practiced for more than two decades, I can say with surety and certainty that of all the possible alternative, natural or complementary treatments available for anal fissures, homeopathy is the best option for the treatment of an anal fissure.

Best treatment for anal fissure- Advantages of Homeopathy for anal fissures (एनल फिशर के होम्योपैथिक इलाज के फायदे)When one opts for Homeopathy for anal fissures, one is able to avoid surgery. Homeopathy aims at curing anal fissures in this holistic manner. It improves the digestive system along with curing the immediate symptoms of anal fissures. Homeopathy not only treats and cures the acute anal fissure, it is able to cure the chronic form of anal fissures too. Moreover, the homeopathic medicines for anal fissures are able to eradicate the tendency to have fissures.This means that one can avoid the recurrence of anal fissures. That is why Homeopathy has the best treatment of anal fissures.

Taking Homeopathy for anal fissures is a better bet because it completely eradicates the fissure as well as the tendency to form fissures. There is an added advantage that it does not have any adverse or side effects. This is because the homeopathic medicines are completely natural medicines. They are sourced from plants, fruits, vegetables or natural minerals. There is no chemical or synthetic material present in the homeopathic medicines.Even further, while preparing the medicines, serial dilution of the medicines leaves no scope for any material presence in the ultimate medicine. That is why there are no side effects of the Homeopathic remedies or any homeopathic treatment.

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Anal Fissures (एनल फिशर के इलाज के लिए ५ उत्तम होम्योपैथिक दवाएँ)

I have had the experience of treating dozens and dozens of cases of anal fissures with homeopathy in the last 2 decades. The fact remains that homeopathy is very effective at curing anal fissures. The medicines that have most frequently been used and found effective are being given here with a brief description of their indications.

Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for anal fissures

-Graphites- one of the best homeopathic medicines for anal fissures with burning

Nitric Acid – one of the best homeopathic medicines for anal fissures with bleeding

Ratanhia – best homeopathic remedy for anal fissures with pain remaining long after stool

Paeonia – one of the best homeopathic medicines for anal fissures with oozingPhosphorus –

one of the best homeopathic medicines for fissures that are painlessOne should not treat this as a complete list of homeopathic medicines that are used in the treatment of anal fissures. Also, the indications given here are just brief indicators and by no means the complete and exhaustive list of symptoms that indicate a particular medicine.

1. Graphites-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissure with burningWhen there is burning pain, Graphites is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures. This medicine is made from black lead which happens to be the mineral carbon. It is used in a very diluted form. The patient is usually obese or overweight.Constipation is another prominent symptom of this homeopathic medicine for anal fissures. The stool may be hard, large, knotty and joined by mucous threads. There may be other skin symptoms like eczema which is characterized by oozing of thick sticky fluid. The patient is usually chilly and cannot tolerate cold air or cold weather. It is also indicated when anal fissures occur in women around or just after menopause.

2. Nitric Acid-One of the best Homeopathic remedies for anal fissures with bleeding after stoolWhen there is bleeding after passing stool, Nitric Acid is one of the best Homeopathic remedies for anal fissures. There is splinter like pain in the anal or rectal region. It feels as if some splinter has lodged in the area. Another feeling is as if the rectum is torn.There is offensive discharge from the fissure. This offensiveness of discharges may even extend to the urine, stool and even perspiration. The patient is quite prone to take colds.

Diarrhoea is also quite frequently present. The stool is quite soft. Despite the stool being soft, one has to strain to pass the stool.

3. Ratanhia-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures with pain that lasts for hours after passing stoolWhen there is pain while passing stool and the pain lasts for hours afterwards, Ratanhia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures.

There is a feeling of constriction in the rectum.The pain may be aching in character. There may also be a feeling as if the rectum is full of broken glass. The pain may be temporarily removed by cold water.

4. Paeonia-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures with oozingWhen there is constant moist oozing, Paeonia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures. There is oozing of offensive moisture. There is a strange feeling of internal chilliness in the rectal region.The anal region seems to be covered with crusts. Diarrhoea is more likely to occur in this medicine rather than constipation.

5. Phosphorus-One of the best Homeopathic remedies for anal fissures with painlessnessWhen there is little pain despite the presence of anal fissure, Phosphorus is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for anal fissures. The patient is usually tall, thin and narrow chested. There is increased thirst and that too for cold water.

The patient is unable to tolerate warm water and as soon as the water turns warm in the stomach, it is vomited.This medicine irritates, inflames and causes degeneration of the mucous membranes all over the body. The stool is long, narrow and hard, like that of a dog. The stool may be white and hard too. The patient is very sensitive to light, sound and all sorts of external impressions.


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