Major Diseases and its symptoms


Are you facing the issue where you feel a burning sensation in your mid-section?It may include sour taste, bloating, and uncomfortableness.If yes, then you are suffering from hyperacidity.Acidity is a digestive problem that everybody suffers in their life. In most cases, we do not even care about the situation as they go away by drinking plenty of water.

Along with that few home remedies and bland food also can benefit in this situation.Like all humans in the world, people in Hyderabad are also experiencing the same issue. But in some instances where the situation becomes very serious, it is better to have proper treatment. In this case, homeopathic remedies can do wonders. It can give you a long-lasting, safe cure.

  • Now, let us see the few symptoms of acidity.If you are suffering from acidity, you will face the following symptoms-•

  • A burning sensation in your chest and upper stomach.

  • Sour taste in your mouth.• Pain in the stomach.

  • Bloating and burping.

  • Continuous hiccups.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Loss of appetite•

Weight loss in case of long-term suffering.

So, what are the causes of acidity?Followings are some common causes of acidity-• Overeating

  • Consumption of acidic foods

  • Digestive system disorder

  • Indulging in intoxication like tobacco and alcohol

  • Overweight

  • Staying idle after having a heavy meal

  • Consumption of over spicy and oily junk food

Drinking excess amount of beverages

How can homoeopathy help you in acidity?Homoeopathy provides holistic care for your issues related to acidity. It works as per your symptoms. As a result, you will get a complete cure. Homoeopathic medicines target to treat the reason for hyperacidity.

At HYDERABAD HOMEOPATHY STORE AND CLINIC, we choose a homoeopathic medicine only after the proper diagnosis and consultation with one of the best homeopathy doctor in Hyderabad. So, getting the right cure is highly expected of us. Again, all the ingredients of homoeopathic medicines are natural and without any side effects.We treat every individual distinctively as the medicine requirements of each patient are different. Along with the treatment, homoeopathic medicines boost your immunity and overall digestive system.

So, what are the remedies available for treating acidity in homoeopathy?

The most important homoeopathic remedies for acidity include

• Carbo veg: It gives relief in bloating and gas in the stomach

• Nux vomica: It works in case you are experiencing nausea and cramp in the stomach• Lycopodium: It helps you in bloating and discomfort due to indigestion

• Natrum carbonicum: It benefits you in case you are experiencing digestive trouble due to overeating

• Pulsatilla: It provides relief from gastric distress due to overeatingAlong with the homoeopathic remedies, you will need to take care of what you are eating. It would be best if you avoided oily and over spicy food items.Instead of this, you should live in the light and healthy food. Home-cooked food is the best option for a healthy diet.

Drink plenty amount of water.It will clean your system and make your body hydrated. Rather than eating heavy and oversized meals, eat a small meal many times a day.

Consume fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. And over everything do exercise and reduce your body weight.

So, if you are facing any issue related to acidity, contact us for consultation.

Hyderabad Homeopathy store and clinic


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