Acne and pimples and homeopathy medicine

What is Acne?

Most of us have suffered from acne at least some time in our life. Acne is a common skin condition and is easily treated. It is also a common cause of black/brown spots. Usually, most people suffer from acne at the age of 12 to 25. It can be from mild to severe. It can take months to years to properly treat the acne.Acne is one of the chronic, inflammatory skin conditions that cause pimples and scarring or pits, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

Also known as acne vulgaris, this skin condition is caused by clogging of hair follicles with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are some of the types of acne.It commonly occurs during puberty, when the sebaceous glands are activated, but it can occur at any age group. Homeopathic medicines for acne are a very effective way of getting rid of them.Factors Triggering AcneHormonal imbalance and hormonal changesCertain cosmeticsUnhealthy food and lifestyleSome medicationsExcessive sweatingPathological Causes of AcneOur skin has small sebaceous glands just under the surface of the skin, which is responsible for producing sebum (oil) which keeps our skin supple and smooth.

But, excess sebum makes your skin greasy. The more oil is produced the more severe the acne will be.Some pores become blocked due to the skin becoming thicker combined with dead skin cells that are shed. When the sebum collects under the blocked pores, then these small spots called pimples appear. In some cases, acne does not progress beyond this mild to moderate stage.Trapped sebum is ideal for bacteria in the skin to grow and multiply.

This may cause inflammation. If inflammation develops it causes the surrounding skin to become red and spots to become larger and filled with pus. Also, a small pitted scar is left on the skin even after the inflammation has been cooled down. These small scars don’t completely fade away.

Sometimes acne is an after effect of medicines or is caused due to some other disease.Many people suffer from acne during winters. The main reason for the acne problem in winter is that the pores in the skin get clogged with sebum which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Sebum is an oily secretion which helps to keep the skin moist and supple. During winter these secretions get dried up and obstruct the pores leading to infection and inflammation and hence the pimples. They mainly affect the forehead, nose and chin which are rich in these sebaceous glands.

Sunlight is essential for good health, especially the skin as it fights off many infections and boosts immunity. In winter the sun exposure to the skin is very low which results in a favorable condition for bacterial and fungal infections.The sudden shift in the temperature comes as a shock to the delicate skin. It adds to the stress of skin of people who are chronic sufferers of skin problems thus triggering further damage to the skin.Preventing Keys of Acne

Homeopathic medicines for acne are far superior in giving results when it comes to the treatment of acne than other cures.

The intention is to correct the underlying causes and to settle down on their own and without the need for any strong medicines.However, it does take some time to get things in order, but once the results start coming, there is no looking back. Here one may add that even the scars left on the face from old pimples can be cured easily with homeopathic medicines for acne scars or pimple scars. There are a lot of homeopathic medicines that not only cure acne but provide exceptional homeopathic treatment for acne scars. Here is a list of a few things you should keep in mind to prevent acne –

1. Reduce your sun exposure: Although being out in the sun makes sure that you get your daily intake of Vitamin D, it can cause or aggravate acne. If you are using acne treatment or taking medicines, you are more prone to develop painful sunburns. For best results, avoid spending too much time in direct sunlight. If you do, make sure you always wear a sunscreen designed according to your skin type.

2. Silicea: Silicea is a wonder drug from sand.

This works on the immune system in such a way that the tendency to get acne with pus formation reduces after some doses of the medicine. The concerned person tends to be sensitive to cold air, breeze and cold water. However, this remedy has known to work wonders.

One can safely say that homeopathic treatment for acne is the best treatment for acne.

3. Wash your face gently and no more than twice a day: Washing your face too hard often can cause excess amounts of oil that will lead to formation of acne rather than preventing it. As it is important to keep the skin free from bacteria, you should clean your skin only twice a day. The only exception is when you have been sweating a lot. In such a situation, it is better to wash your face an additional time and gently pat it dry instead of rubbing it.

4. Keep the hair clean: If your hair is greasy, they can transfer oil to your face where it can advance the development of acne. If you want to avoid zits, wash your hair at least once a day to avoid them from being oily.

5. Do not keep touching the face: When you touch your face too frequently, you increase the chances of transferring the bacteria and pores becoming blocked and zits developing. Try to break the habit and apply any facial cream with a very light touch. If you touch your face, make sure you wash your hands first.

6. Avoid high-fat foods, or sweetened foods: Take food rich in vitamins A and E and of zinc. Drink lots of water, include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet

.7. Various other tips to keep in mind: Avoid anxiety and stress, as it can increase production of cortisol which inturn increases androgen levels, removing the makeup properly before going to bed, using proper protection while driving to protect the face from pollution.Homeopathic Medicines for Acne

Hepar sulph: For pimples that are very painful; they may feel like a splinter in the skin. Lesions are very sensitive to touch and possibly cold. They may cluster in crops on the forehead and tend to form pustules and whiteheads easily.

Calcarea sulph: For severe cystic acne. Lesions persist in one place for weeks and do not heal quickly. Yellow, creamy pus drains for a long time. Unhealthy-looking skin with yellowish scabs. Pimples on the face and near ears and hairline.

Kali bromatum: For acne begins in the teen years and continues relentlessly into adulthood. Bluish, red pustules on the face, chest, and shoulders that leave scars, purple spots, or a depression in the skin. In females, the acne may be worse near the menstrual period.

Pulsatilla: Acne in young girls that is associated with the onset of puberty. Acne associated with the menstrual period or with pregnancy.

Silica: For hard acne, like boils on the face, especially the cheeks. Pimples are very slow to heal and leave pitting scars. The person tends to get infections easily and frequently.

Sulphur: For acne with very oily skin, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Pimples may be painless but itchy. The skin may be rough and worse from washing.

The acne may also be worse from heat, before the menstrual period, and from eating fatty foods.Here are the various skin care products with homeopathic herbs as ingredients for acne from Schwabe India: B&T Cleansing Neem Face Wash, B&T Cool Talc, Calendula & Aloe Vera Multi Purpose Cream, Skin Care Bathing Bar, Refreshing Cool Bathing Bar, Glow & Fairness Soap and Akne-Sor Soap.


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